Managing Software
Software in the context of Flight Silo is software binaries that can be compiled in advance, and then kept in a silo so that they can be accessed from any number of HPC environments without needing to be recompiled. This provides users a method to manage and share their own software.
This page describes several commands associated with software which are run in the format flight silo <command> --<option>
software delete <name> <version>
Delete a software binary from the default silo.
--repo <silo>
- Instead of using the default silo, specify which one to delete from.
- Example 1
[flight@chead1 ~]$ flight silo software delete exampl 0.0 Deleting software 'exampl' version '0.0'... Deleted software 'exampl' version '0.0'.
software pull <name> <version>
Download and extract a software binary from the default silo.
--repo <silo>
- Instead of using the default silo, specify which one to pull from.--overwrite
- Overwrite local software if it exists.
- Example 1
[flight@chead1 ~]$ flight silo software pull exampl 0.0 Downloading software 'exampl' version '0.0'... Extracting software to '/home/flight/.local/share/flight/silo/software'... Extracted software 'exampl' version '0.0 to '/home/flight/.local/share/flight/silo/software'...
software push <file> <name> <version>
Upload a software binary to the default silo.
--repo <silo>
- Instead of using the default silo, specify which one to push to.--force
- Overwrite existing software in the silo if it exists.
- Example 1
[flight@chead1 ~]$ flight silo software push exampl.tar.gz exampl 0.0 Uploading software 'exampl' version '0.0'... Uploaded software 'exampl' version '0.0'.
software search <name>
List the software binaries in the default silo. If no name is given, then all software will be displayed.
--repo <silo>
- Instead of using the default silo, specify which one to search on.
- Example 1 - With Search Term (Shows Versions)
[flight@chead1 ~]$ flight silo software search exampl ┌────────┬─────────┬────────┐ │ Name │ Version │ Size │ ├────────┼─────────┼────────┤ │ exampl │ 0.0 │ 500 MB │ └────────┴─────────┴────────┘
- Example 2 - With No Search Term
[flight@chead1 ~]$ flight silo software search Showing latest 5 versions... ┌────────┬─────────┐ │ Name │ Version │ ├────────┼─────────┤ │ exampl │ 0.0 │ └────────┴─────────┘