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Viewing and Terminating Sessions

Users can view a list of the currently running sessions by using the command flight desktop list.

[flight@chead1 (mycluster1) ~]$ flight desktop list
│ Name  Identity  Type   Host name  IP address     Display (Port)  Password  State  │
│       4549eae1  gnome  chead1  :1 (5901)       mkO3Zxjl  Active │
│       52e44bdd  gnome  chead1  :3 (5903)       5eAlaST0  Active │
│       abbbe30b  gnome  chead1  :2 (5902)       XLH7bV30  Active │

To display connection information for an existing session, use the command flight desktop show <session-ID>. This command allows users to review the IP-address, port number and one-time password settings for an existing session.

[flight@chead1 (mycluster1) ~]$ flight desktop show 4549eae1

== Session details ==
  Identity: 4549eae1-6f8b-4983-8057-99b378afcdd3
      Type: gnome
   Host IP:
  Hostname: chead1
      Port: 5901
   Display: :1
  Password: mkO3Zxjl
  Geometry: 1024x768

This desktop session is not directly accessible from outside of your
cluster as it is running on a machine that only provides internal
cluster access.  In order to access your desktop session you will need
to perform port forwarding using 'ssh':

  ssh -L 5901: flight@

Once the ssh connection has been established, depending on your
client, you can connect to the session using one of:


If, when connecting, you receive a warning as follows, try again with
a different port number, e.g. 5902, 5903 etc.:

  channel_setup_fwd_listener_tcpip: cannot listen to port: 5901

If prompted, you should supply the following password: mkO3Zxjl

Users can terminate a running session by ending their graphical application (e.g. by logging out of a Gnome session, or exiting a terminal session), or by using the flight desktop kill <session-ID> command. A terminated session will be immediately stopped, disconnecting any users.

flight desktop kill 4549eae1