Importing Flight Solo Image to Azure
Prepare Azure Account
- Start by installing the Azure Command Line Interface(CLI), as using it is the simplest way to import a raw image. Alternatively you can follow these instructions using the Azure Cloud Shell.
Create Storage Account
Create a resource group for the storage account
az resource group create MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME
Create a storage account
az storage account create --name "MY_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" --resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME"
Create a storage container
az storage container create --name "MY_CONTAINER_NAME" --account-name "MY_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" --resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME"
Import Image
- Download the Flight Solo Azure image here
Upload the raw Flight Solo image as a storage blob to the container
az storage blob upload --account-name "MY_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME" \ --container-name "MY_CONTAINER_NAME" \ --type page \ --file Flight_Solo_VERSION_azure.raw \ --name Flight-Solo_VERSION_azure.vhd
Finally, create an Azure image from the storage blob (Make sure to get the correct source from the uploaded storage blob)
az image create --resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" \ --name Flight_Solo_VERSION_azure \ --os-type Linux \ --hyper-v-generation V2 \ --source
Changing regions
The storage blob will be placed in the region of the storage account and container it is created in, and an image made from it must go into a resource group with the same region.
In case this region is the wrong one, it can be changed after the image is created:
Install the Azure CLI image copy extension.
az extension add --name image-copy-extension
Set the options for source and target resource group, regions and source image.
az image copy --source-resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" --source-object-name "Flight_Solo_VERSION_azure" \ --target-location "uksouth" "westeurope" \ --target-resource-group "MY_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME" \ --cleanup
After a short wait, the source image will have the name
and be in the target resource group